About you and your company

all in one Universal Business Profile

With CallsCard Universal Business Profile - UBP, revolutionize your professional networking experience. Craft a sophisticated digital presence that highlight your business offerings, generate valuable leads and close more deals.

It takes only one click,

To share your updated UBP among your customers.

To digitize and verify your customer's contact information.

To showcase your business offerings, and achievements.

For your customers to save your UBP on their device.

For your customers to place a product or service inquiry.

For your customers to visit or reach out to you.

Embrace the future of business connectivity, where professionalism meets seamless functionality.


Why CallsCard ?

Global network
No app to download
Works on all devices
Real time updates
Runs on secure data servers
24 x 7 customer support
Best easy-to-reach features

One click to connect with you

Click to call personal number
Click to call business number
Click to chat on Whatsapp
Click to send Emails
how to connect

One click for business

Click to send business inquiry
Click to view documents
Click to view product images
Click to view product videos
how to sales

One click to manage contacts

Click to scan new business card
Auto verify new contacts
Click to save new contacts
Click to search contacts
how to sales

One click to visit you

Click to visit official website
Click to view location on maps
Click to share via QR code
Click to share via social media
how to visit
How to use your CallsCard
how to

Share + Connect

Share your CallsCard during a virtual meeting or over coffee at a cafe easily by clicking on the QR code or the share option.

If you choose the QR code option, ask your customer to scan the QR code displayed on your smartphone and save contact. If you decide to share via social media or any messaging platform, you can select from a list of social media sites you want to share it.

how to

Accept + Manage

Scan physical bussiness cards, digitize and save them on your phone

We will meticulously validate and ensure the integrity and security of the digitized data for you. This will enable you to use advanced search features in your contacts list. All digitized contacts will be available to you and authorized members of your organisation.

Ideal for small businesses to large scale enterprises

For all business development, networking, operations, marketing and sales professionals. Close more deals, Scale services, Build customer relationships, 24x7 across the world.

Seamless Teamwork and Management

CallsCard Dashboard - Simple to setup, easy to use and take you business to next level.

The dashboard provides a centralized hub, offering a holistic view of your sales and marketing team, enabling swift and informed decision-making regarding team dynamics.

Real-time updates on Customer data and Leads are effortlessly accessible, ensuring accuracy and accessibility for facilitating dynamic adjustments to sales strategies.

We are ready to help you grow
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it necessary to reach out to you to update my business profile and company information?
Can I generate business profiles for multiple employees within my organization?
Is there a charge for inactive or deleted business profiles and assets?
Can I expect advertisements on any of the business profiles i created?
Do I have to commit to a lock-in period or a multi-year contract when signing up?
Is there a charge for editing business profiles and assets or sharing them?

Are you ready to spread your reach ?


CallsCard, an innovative online business networking platform, is a product of Octagon Network FZCO, Dubai, UAE. This platform was meticulously designed to cater to the specific business networking requirements of our customers, facilitating accelerated growth in their respective domains.

We prioritize customer support and product development over sales and marketing, believing it is the key to delivering maximum choice and value to our customers.

Our commitment extends beyond delivering a product to providing transformative solutions that empower businesses in modern marketing and networking. With a steadfast approach, we equip our customers with a versatile, robust, and continually evolving toolset for sustained success.

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Your Universal Business profile
© CallsCard™ 2023. All rights reserved.